The Best Summer Jobs for Students in London

24th March 2021 Joe Graham Jobs & Careers

Summer can be a difficult time for students. Uni is finished and you suddenly have an abundance of time available. The question is, what do you do with all this free time?

Getting a summer job is one option and there are many different options available to you. If you’re desperate for cash or simply want the additional experience to add to your CV, summer work can provide many benefits.

In this guide, we’ll break down some of the best summer jobs for students. Whether you’re looking for fun or funds, there’ll be something here for everyone.

1. Summer Camp

Group of people in summer camp posing for a picture

Summer camp is an incredible experience. If you’re looking to try something completely new and want to add some interesting, varied experience to your CV, a summer camp is something worth your consideration.

There are a variety of summer camps, whether in this country or further afield. They all specialise in different areas, such as sports, religion, education, adventure, and much more. If you have a skill and want to expand it (or teach it to someone else), working a camp over the summer could be an ideal choice for you.

There are hundreds of camps around the world, including many right in the heart of London too. If you don’t want to stay in London, you can travel further abroad and experience a new culture for a few months. Accommodation and food are typically included and you’ll likely make some money on the side.

Learn more about summer camps here.

2. Work at a Tourist Attraction

The UK, including London, has many different attractions and theme parks. How amazing would it be to work somewhere like Thorpe Park for the Summer?

Well, during the Summer, a lot of jobs get offered by attraction companies as it’s their busiest time in the year. Getting your application in early could provide you with a unique opportunity for a few months, not to mention extra experience for your CV.

Theme parks are also a good option for individuals who have little experience in hospitality as there are a wide variety of roles available. You could be doing anything from cleaning to ride management. No matter what your experience, there is something for everyone.

If you’re looking to stay in London, attractions like the London Eye and London Dudgeons could be good places to investigate.

3. Festival Work

festival with lots of coloured smoke

During the summer, festival jobs pop up all over the place. If you’re looking for the best summer job for students, catching some rays and spending your time in a festival sounds like bliss.

There are a variety of jobs available at festivals for students, including stewarding, bar work, and security. No matter what your skillset, there’ll be something here for you to try your hand at.

With great tunes and mesmerising entertainment, festivals in London offer a fantastic opportunity for students looking for work. Keep an eye out for events near you and reach out if you see anything come up.

4. Charity and Fundraising Events

If you’re to give back this summer and gain some invaluable experience, working with a charity and fundraisers can provide you with what you’re looking for.

Believe it or not but fundraising events don’t always involve volunteer work – some actually pay you. Better yet, some companies will take you on and train you up, meaning you don’t have to have previous experience to start.

In some cases, students working in fundraising events can earn as much as £4,000 over the summer. That’s quite a bit of money for the average student!

Additionally, many of the charity events are based outside in the sun. So, when working for a charity, you’ll not only find yourself earning money and gaining CV-worthy experience – you’ll also be building up your levels of Vitamin D!

5. Retail & Hospitality Opportunities

A shop window with an open sign on it

As well as all the fun summer jobs for students, there are also more boring but practical ones. These include retail, hospital and any of the other “normal” jobs that keep the money coming in.

With London being as large as it is, hundreds of bar, restaurant, retail, and café jobs will be start to appear come the end of the academic year. Expect an abundance of opportunities when all the other university students are heading home for the summer.

Most retail jobs don’t require a lot of experience to start, so you needn’t worry about whether or not you’re qualified enough for these positions. Additionally, some retail jobs pay very well, especially in London. With the additional of 24-hour shopping, you also won’t be out of hours.

Although retail work might be less interesting than the above options, it’s practical and suitable for 99% of London students. However, if you’re adamant about taking a unique approach to summer work, opt for the roles higher up this list and broaden your experiences.

Closing Thoughts:

Getting the best summer job as a student can feel like a chore. There are so many options available to you and making sure you get something fun and experience-rich is important. However, you have to pay the bills and be practical. Although there are options like summer camps, festivals, and fundraising jobs, retail opportunities are often the best option for many students, especially if you’re staying in the city until term starts up again.

Nonetheless, if you’re interested in summer jobs being offered in London, you’ll need short-term accommodation. Get in touch with us now and book your summer rental today!

Joe Graham

Joe Graham

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