Things You Can Only Buy in the UK

8th April 2015 Joe Graham Careers and Finance, London Life

The British Empire was famous for pilfering all sorts of wares from colonies around the world; the tea you drink, the majority of fruit you eat and most likely, even the music you listen is likely to have it’s origins overseas. However, there is much that Britain has to offer which is very difficult to find in other countries. It is common to hear stories of British ex-pats who stock up on certain items when they return to their adopted land in order to get a ‘taste of home’. Here are some of the best products which are easily found in the UK but less so elsewhere. Try them yourself for a truly British experience.

Related – Top 10 British Foods to Try

Great Biscuits

Tea is often cited as the most British of obsessions but few Brits would pass up the opportunity to accompany their ‘brew’ with a biscuit. Luckily, the best (and most British) biscuits are the cheapest. You can pick up a packet of custard creams, bourbons or Jammy Dodgers and still get plenty of change from a pound. Judge for yourself which is the best for dunking!

Anything from Marks & Spencer’s or John Lewis

These stores are true British institutions. Synonymous with quality merchandise and customer service. M&S and John Lewis stores are second homes to many of the British middle class. M&S (also known as Marks’s or Marks & Sparks) food halls sell great tasting food. However, this is reflected in the price, therefore it’s a good idea to treat yourself now and again, but it is not the place to do your regular food shop.

Wide variety of Tea (as long as it’s English Breakfast!)

Rarely will a day go by in the UK without the offer of a nice cup of tea. Out of many different brands, many people have their loyalties, be it with strong Yorkshire Tea or more subtle flavoursome Twinings English Breakfast, but every home in the country has their supply. Teas other than English Breakfast are becoming more popular but usually, to ask for ‘tea’ is to ask for this variety, with milk.


While lager may have overtaken bitter as the nation’s alcoholic beverage of choice, it is the dark room-temperature pints made by Northern companies such as Tetley’s, Boddington’s and Bank’s which are the more traditional. It may be an acquired taste, but it is worth a try when propping up the bar at one of the country’s old-fashioned pubs.

Worcestershire Sauce

The brand Lea and Perrins have become synonymous with this condiment. Worcester sauce makes a wonderful accompaniment to cheese on toast, is a key ingredient to a Bloody Mary cocktail and goes well in a variety of meat marinades and casserole dishes.

Sunday Roasts

Traditional British food has a got a bad reputation, it’s seen by many as being bland, unhealthy and generally unimaginative. However, the Sunday Roast, with it’s meat, potatoes and various vegetables is none of these things. Most pubs will serve a roast dinner every Sunday, make it a priority to try one yourself.

Roast dinner

HP Sauce

With its distinctive Big Ben label and tongue-in-cheek advertisements celebrating manliness, HP sauce (the most popular brand of brown sauce) is another product which inspires loyalty in its customers. A bacon sandwich with HP sauce is an experience like no other.

British Newspapers

Britain has a proud tradition of excellent journalism and while there are lower quality papers such as The Daily Mail and The Sun, newspapers such as The Times and The Guardian still produce thought-provoking and balanced reporting.

If you want to experience more of what Britain has to offer, then studying in London with urbanest student accommodation is the way to go!



Joe Graham

Joe Graham

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