How To Become A Productive Student. A Guide To University Success

4th December 2017 Joe Graham Study

Finding your productivity is hard, with looming deadlines and exams fast approaching it’s difficult to stay glued to your desk without some form of procrastination. Let’s face it, there is plenty to do at urbanest student studios in London, but sometimes you need to stay focused. To help you get through the term, we’ve looked into the biggest distractions students face and how to get the most out of your productivity.

How To Become A Productive Student.

Here’s a text-friendly version of the infographic:

How To Become A Productive Student. A Guide To University Success

Did you know?

75% of university students consider themselves to be chronic procrastinators?

Where does the time go?

 In the Beans Group survey on distraction, 80% of students admitted to spending roughly 3 hours a day procrastinating.

This is how they killed their time:

39% browse the Internet

20% use social media

16% choose to watch TV

5% spent time with friends

What’s your excuse?

The top four reasons students gave are:

40% To avoid studying or work

20% Due to boredom

21% Out of habit

14% Unable to stop

What’s the worst that can happen?

It can affect your health

‘Your brain loses efficiency with each hour of sleep deprivation.’ – Texas A&M Professor David Earnest

…As well as your grades

The Warwick Business School discovered if you hand in work in the last… 24 hours then you risk 5% lost in grades.

What do the experts say?

‘In your early 20s you’re still developing your pre-frontal cortex, which is home of the will power’ – Dr Piers Steel.

Did you know?

Fear of failure also corresponds with higher levels of procrastination.

What can we do?

Here are some tips to boost your productivity:

Positive thinking!

This will make work easier! Avoid comparing yourself to others and reward yourself when you reach your goals.

Define a place for work

Eliminate any distractions in your work area. If you procrastinate, step away from your desk! It’s important to keep separate spaces for work and play.

Work in the day

While everyone’s most productive time of day will vary, here’s a few from famous successful folk:

Pablo Picasso: 3pm -10pm

Sigmund Freud: 3pm -9pm

Charles Dickens: 8am-2pm

Ludwig Van Beethoven: 6am – 6pm

Overall, learning and memory is heightened during the morning and day, not late at night. So, time your work accordingly.

Take regular breaks

The US Army’s research discovered that breaks every 90 minutes boost concentration.


A 2014 study on cognitive ability found that even a walk improved 81% of participants’ creativity

Listen to music

Dr. Lesiuk discovered that listening to music while working boost productivity and creativity.

Have a snack

The best foods to increase productivity are:

  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Salmon
  • Chocolate

Did you know?

A recent study found that if you forgive yourself for procrastinating, you will do it less the next time around!

We hope this helps you become a productive student! Good luck with your degree.

Joe Graham

Joe Graham

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