Student Advice

Apps and Software To Help You Manage Your Student Loan

Apps and Software To Help You Manage Your Student Loan

During your time at university you’ll inevitably learn a great many things, and not all of these will concern the…

How To Personalise Your Student Accommodation

How To Personalise Your Student Accommodation

After the excitement of opening the letter offering you a place to your chosen University, the glee at crossing the threshold…

How to Create an Employable CV

How to Create an Employable CV

After graduating, the prospect of entering the ‘real world’ can seem daunting. Leaving the student bubble and finding your feet…

Guide To The Best Unknown Theatres In London

Guide To The Best Unknown Theatres In London

Get off the grid with this guide to some of the best unknown theatres in London, with a wide range of excellent performances

Student Accommodation Etiquette – The Ultimate Guide

Student Accommodation Etiquette – The Ultimate Guide

Many of the most memorable moments at university are spent in student accommodation. From kitchen parties to game nights in…

Top 7 Most Common Flatmate Problems Solved

Top 7 Most Common Flatmate Problems Solved

Whether you’re sharing a house, a flat or even a room, living with someone you barely know in your student…

7 Secluded and Secret Galleries to See in London

7 Secluded and Secret Galleries to See in London

So you’ve circled the likes of the National Portrait Gallery, Tate Modern and Whitechapel many times and are now looking…

Best Things to do in London During Lockdown

Best Things to do in London During Lockdown

Going to live in a new city isn’t easy, it’s a huge step into adult life. But with coronavirus, it’s…