Student Advice

Nearest supermarkets to urbanest Hoxton Student Accommodation

Nearest supermarkets to urbanest Hoxton Student Accommodation

This is a guest post by Mayra Piloni from Chicago, USA, currently a resident at urbanest Hoxton London. She is studying…

The Best Eurostar Routes For A Weekend Away

The Best Eurostar Routes For A Weekend Away

Even though there is plenty on offer in London, is also worth remembering that thanks to the Eurostar, mainland Europe…

How To Become A Student Entrepreneur [Infographic]

How To Become A Student Entrepreneur [Infographic]

There are university students who will get by during their academic career. They will attend seminars and lectures, submit their…

The Ultimate Guide To Note Taking In Class [Infographic]

The Ultimate Guide To Note Taking In Class [Infographic]

Many studious types will swear that they can take everything in from their lecture or seminar just by listening and…

‘Universities in London’ the Most Popular Search Term Made By US Students

‘Universities in London’ the Most Popular Search Term Made By US Students

If you are a US student wanting to study in London, you are not alone. London is the most popular…

Top 10 British Foods to Try

Top 10 British Foods to Try

This is a guest post by Lisa Herms from Florida, USA, currently a resident at urbanest King’s Cross. She is…

The closest supermarkets to urbanest King’s Cross

The closest supermarkets to urbanest King’s Cross

This is a guest post by Lisa Herms from Florida, USA, currently a resident at urbanest King’s Cross London. She…

Success & The Apprentice: An Interview with Solomon Akhtar

Success & The Apprentice: An Interview with Solomon Akhtar

Reality TV contestants are not always the best people to go to for worldly wisdom. However, Solomon Akhtar seems to be…